Daughters of the Umbrals


Can be joined by both users and characters.

A Faurian cult devoted to ancient lunar worship. They believe that the Lunar element is granted by the mother of the Blood Moon itself.
Member Figure

Faction Leaders: Isadora

Faction Ranks


Mother: The supreme leader, entrusted with interpreting the will of the Blood Moon and guiding the cult's direction.


Sisters: Dedicated devotees who assist the High Priestess in leading rituals and teachings.

Member Ranks

Priestesses: Experienced members who oversee the ceremonial rites and spiritual practices of the cult. (500 FP)
Acolytes: Veterans who undergo rigorous training in the traditions and beliefs. (300 FP)
Seekers: Newly initiated members who are learning the principles of the cult and beginning their journey of devotion. (100 FP)
Aspirants: New members who seek entrance into the cult and must undergo a period of observation and evaluation before being accepted. (0 FP)

Members: 5 ・ See All