Snipiliks are small bipedal sea creatures. They have a fish-scale head and small ears, with oval-ish bead eyes and a long stretchy tongue. The tongue can be stretched and squeezed, so they can fit back into their mouth normally.
They have short limbs, a round chubby body, and a long tail. They have little to no teeth.
Snipiliks are friendly creatures most of the time, unless you go hostile on them which results in you having a taste of their tongue's power. They have squeaky voices but can still use normal speech.
They have short limbs, a round chubby body, and a long tail. They have little to no teeth.
Snipiliks are friendly creatures most of the time, unless you go hostile on them which results in you having a taste of their tongue's power. They have squeaky voices but can still use normal speech.