Submission (#153) Approved
29 May 2024, 02:27:37 EDT (8 months ago)
30 May 2024, 03:15:41 EDT (8 months ago) by EVER
An entry for 2024 Merkiller prompt!
Summer, the season of blooming lotus flowers. but..., one of these flowers looks quite strange... Lotus flower doesn't really grows that way doesn't it?
As you don't recall that lotus flower would grow on the middle of a lilypad leaf, you decided to investigate. Yet the next thing you know was your hand is on its way to be digested by a beartrap-like lilypads.
You started to move frantically to free your hands... Until you saw one dark messed up eye looking up towards you beyond the water's surface.
Traits :
Chroma: Mermaid
Light: Custom ear, Overgrowth
Dark: Parasite
Summer, the season of blooming lotus flowers. but..., one of these flowers looks quite strange... Lotus flower doesn't really grows that way doesn't it?
As you don't recall that lotus flower would grow on the middle of a lilypad leaf, you decided to investigate. Yet the next thing you know was your hand is on its way to be digested by a beartrap-like lilypads.
You started to move frantically to free your hands... Until you saw one dark messed up eye looking up towards you beyond the water's surface.
Traits :
Chroma: Mermaid
Light: Custom ear, Overgrowth
Dark: Parasite