Resident Design (RD)Faurian✿ Rare ・ "Sweetheart Nurse"

RD-149: Agape

A sweet autumn faurian with a passion for taking care of others. 
Agape is a sweet caring faurian with a love for all. She practices medicine and runs a sort of clinic out of her cottage. She'll care for anyone regardless of their background or affiliations. However, she expects her cottage to be neutral peaceful zone and will kick out anyone who causes trouble. Do not mistake her kindness for weakness. She will occasionally travel around ethoria for home visits or help those who need transportation. When she isn't caring for others, she loves to cook and bake! Her food is usually pretty good however... be wary of her more experimental dishes. They can be more... hit or miss. She adores her wormblom, Plato.
Uses She/Her pronouns. Cis. Mostly Sapphic.
As a mystic faurian, She has the ability to manipulate people's happy thoughts and dreams as well as polymorph enemies into small critters for a short period of time.
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