Official Design (OD)Faurian✿ Rare ・ "Weaponized Sea Prince"

OD-47: Trit0n

Owned by InspectorCrayon

"A great castle had vanished into the maw of the sea, songs that praised its steel spires long forgotten.
Yet what little crumbs that remained of its greatness is carried by an heir that never ascended.
The steel and wires of the fallen castle embedded into his body, a living relic sits upon his throne of scraps and treasure.
He bides his time to enact what vague purpose his creator given him."


Would losing one's entire personality be considered death to a being?
The body remained intact, nigh indestructible even. Perfected into a mehcanical menace. Yet who was the Prince? Does he live on inside that steel shell? How much of him was left after he was torn apart and put back together by forces unknown? 

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