MYO-338: Pinsynth

Owned by uuooll

Age: Young Adult
Respawns: ?
Pronouns: xe/xem, they/them
Voice module: Telepathy Ver. 2.04, Silkwave
Occupation: Designer - clothing, parasites, FlagTag athlete

Fighting style: Ranged, stealthy, speed

  • Tail turbine/cannon - speed boosts or blasts. Can shoot multiple times or charge for larger blasts.
  • Liquid streamers - Whipped around to keep foes at bay. You will be slapped at close range.


Known as Slink in the FlagTag scene, from their prowling behavior. A webcrawler HA-

Flexible, likes to skitter around on all fours, casually climbs on walls and sits there like a silly. Their tail is a blaster, has a sizeable collection of particle effects. The liquid streamers can be drawn as marionette strings, braided, or in simple shapes. Has the sideways 3-shaped mouth like cats!

Runs a small clothing line in their spare time. Their style is a mix of arthopod themes and atompunk.

Fascinated by Virus Zens, currently working on a covert project with [++] to help alleviate their vampiric tendencies.

Is it wrong to pity them? They're curious, anyone would be, honestly. Most Zens don't know what Ethoria truly is. I'd like to know, but first, we need to focus on Core-ruption.


A willowy figure slightly sways in the distance. You're pinged with the code, you reply in kind. They approach.

A tall... marionette looms before you. Surreal.

 Eyes so large they seem painted, pink with cyan pupils, unblinking.

6 colorful liquid streamers float behind their head, slowly flowing upwards.

They cock their head to the side, waiting expentantly.

A 3d render of water flowing in an arc

credit: Lori Hamaski/hamasakihaus

  • Gift art is allowed
  • Please ask before gift writing
  • Open for link requests