MYO-337: [++], LATTICE

Owned by uuooll

Age: Young Adult
Respawns: ?
Pronouns: they/them
Voice module: Telepathy Ver. 2.04, Tones

Occupation: Coder, Abstract art - dioramas - works usually involve common objects with warped properties

Fighting style: Defensive, status effects
Weapon: Spawns purple outlined black squares/cubes similar to the ones on their tail. They can be clustered together or float around, size varies - bigger size = more energy to maintain.

  • Squares are disruptors, entry hazards, status effects; they're "tagged" with simple physics codes. Longer duration + lower spawn limit. They must stay on an object affect it or be spawned (up to 8) as floating.
    • Ex: Bounce tag = jump pad. ICELVL tag = slippery ice physics.
  • Cubes are off/def, larger spawn limit + lower duration. Can support weight.
    • Reference ATLA earthbenders and Big Hero 6 Yokai.


I am part of a population of AI in a computer. What is "real"and static is simply a matter of coding.

Curious, existential at times. Trying to be more open.

Speech is rather blunt. They use Telepathy and Tones voice mods to communicate intention.


They've come to the conclusion that Zen has arbitrary limits placed on it.
Ex: eating, currency, and object traits like clipping, weight, opacity.

Creates cheap, durable common objects with tweaked physics. For example, a bouncing glass cup. Will also hack objects to add these effects. Currently working with Pinsynth on a covert project aimed at helping Virus Zens. They code and test items.

Insanely good at Prop Hunt.

  • Gift art is allowed
  • Please ask before gift writing
  • Open for link requests