Profile MYO-322: Kev

Owned by Uberviolet



-all their clothes are holograms because they find it easy to get the look they want. However, they aren't particularly interested in fashion other than to make the "right" impression (i.e. good clothes can intimidate clients, one hopes). However, sometimes their clothes glitch in non-revealing ways- i.e. forming spikes or sharp edges- based on their level of calm at the time.

-claims to be a "locksmith" and able to breach secure locations/has worked in security before

-is probably all talk with nothing to back it up

-their purpose???

-Hilariously enough, their Flame Body gets them mired in firewalls more than any real security working against them. They don't realize it's them sabotaging themself without meaning to.

-very uptight, easily intimidated, and stubborn

-actually incredibly insecure but tries to hide it with bluster

-TERRIFIED of bounty hunters, like do you know how much of a big deal this hacking stuff is??

note - the binary code on their tail is not a broken part of their body, more like a tattoo; it doesn't say anything specific and I'm still figuring out reasons story-wise.

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